Welcome to The Silverberg Company, home of world class content for all media platforms. It is our belief that only the best is good enough. And in creating the best content, we work with the best partners available, both in the United States and in Europe. High quality is our starting point.
We specialize in:
• Television Formats
• Television Production
• Branded Content
• Content Marketing
• Brand Design
• Graphic Design
Founder J.J. Pouwer worked for many years as Executive Producer at Endemol Shine, one of the largest independent production companies in the world.
While our focus is on content in all its forms we at The Silverberg Company are also passionate about good music and delicious food. And we love to travel to share our passions and beliefs!

December 2015
The Silverberg Company was involved in the production of the music special, for Italian singer Giada Valenti, titled “From Venice With Love”. Between November 2015 and April 2018 this successful music special has aired over a 1,000 times at more than 90 PBS stations around the United States.

For several cooking demos presented by Italian singer Giada Valenti the Silverberg Company arranged the use of Matilde Vicenzi Pastries’ products. The Matilde Vicenzi products were used for cooking demos on WKRC (CBS Cincinnati), WLVT (PBS39 Philadelphia) and KMAX (Good Morning Sacramento).

March 2018
To celebrate World Tiramisù Day, the Silverberg Company created campaigns on Facebook and Instagram featuring Italian singer Giada Valenti, where she shared recipes of different types of Tiramisù using mascarponeof Galbani Cheese®.
Logos & Brands designed by Jan Martin Wilschut
Branding is one of our focal points. And something you should be focusing on even in your start-up days. It’s much easier—and more cost effective—to get your brand design right the first time, rather than fix it later.
Why focus on branding? Well, each and every successful product and organization has its own personality and this personality is by definition complex. A logotype or a brand is a means to compress the complex reality of this personality into a single, simple visual explanation. An explanation that—over time—can be steered, changed, developed and matured. It gives the product or the organization history and credibility. With that comes the affirmation of quality, value, reliability and heritage.
We represent J. Martin Wilschut BNO ICOM in the United States. He is a designer with an impressive track record, based in the Netherlands and maintaining an international client base. He designed logotypes, developed brands, books, posters, CDs, magazines and corporate identities for, among others, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Museo Dos Coches in Lisbon, EMI, O’Neill, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Ford Motor Company, Cosmopolitan, Linteloo, the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Eden Hotels, Maastricht University Medical Center, Warner Classical Music, the Wagenburg Museum in Vienna and Newton Classics.
He is arguably the only designer you will ever encounter who in his youth legitimately (for wildlife preservation purposes) caught African elephants in the wild (and published about it); painted the town with actors Burt Reynolds and John Cleese (on separate occasions though); sold rhinos by phone (in French); organized a garden party at Los Angeles’ legendary Chateau Marmont Hotel (for a pharmaceuticals client) and—unfortunately—missed out on a Coca-Cola franchise (thanks to his grandmother, but it still makes for a good story). And he travels the world as President of the ICCA, an international sailing class.
He is a member of BNO (Dutch Designers Association) and ICOM (International Council Of Museums).
See also www.wilschut.com